KNJV PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hannie   
Sunday, 15 July 2012 10:43

On july 14 I started Bruiser in his first Dutch cold game test. Our goal for the day was a C-diplom, wich he passed without any problems.


GGB for Bruiser PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hannie   
Thursday, 23 February 2012 18:14

On februari 15 Bruiser passed his first official Dutch Obedience Test (GGB). The Dutch Obedience test is slightly different in style than the English. The test is longer, with 10 different excersises in the B, wich stands for Beginners, and is the lowest class.  Although Bruiser missed one excersise wich costed 30 points, he still had 252 outof 320 points, and he needed 224 to pass. I am very proud of this boy, who now needs to get more experience in the obedience ring.

Another Group win! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hannie   
Sunday, 29 January 2012 16:17

Wonderfull start of 2012, on january 7, first show of the year, CACIB in Hoogstraten (Belgium) Bruiser was BOB, and became Best in Group!!

The next day he became 5th Best in Show, so a great start of the year.

Written by Hannie   
Monday, 28 November 2011 17:03

Todat I had a phonecall from my dear friend Tuus, she said she had just send me a file by email, and I opend it and saw the most beautifull painting I have ever seen!! Herbie has a special place in her heart, and therefor she painted him for me. It is so him, can't believe it will be hanging on the wall in my house soon. What a great gift from a very special friend!!

painted by Tuus van Adrichem Boogaert-Kwint

Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2011 17:20
Reserve Best In Group PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hannie   
Monday, 21 November 2011 19:26
And another smashing win for Bruiser, at one of Belgium largest shows, Eurodogshow in Kortrijk, he won RESERVE BEST IN GROUP under mr. Brian Grace from Ireland. No photo available yet.
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