Darelyn Vincent (Vincent) 22-08-1987 - 08-04-1999 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hannie   
Sunday, 08 February 2009 17:26

My very first Curly who gave me the most wonderful start in dog world one can have. He was my first pedigree dog and through him I became more and more interested in the breed, and in everything you can do with a Curly. We learned everything together, I had never handled a dog in the show ring, and I had never trained a gundog. In the end we achieved much more then one can dream of!  Vincent was a born leader, and a true showman. He didn't need me to do all his winning, if he was in the mood I just knew he was going to win that day. His outstanding temperament was combined with the most correct movement I've ever seen in our breed. Last but not least should his sense of humour be mentioned, he was the biggest clown and did everything his own way.
here to see Vincent's pedigree.



Vincent's show titles & main ring results:

International Champion
Dutch Champion
Luxemburgs Champion
German Champion
VDH Champion
Danish Champion
Champion de Monaco
Junior Winner Amsterdam 1988
Winner Amsterdam 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995
Junior World Champion 1989
World Champion 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995
VDH-Europasieger 1989
Bundessieger 1989, 1992
Winner BRNO 1990
Top Gundog 1990
Runner-up Top Dog all breeds 1990
Runner-up Top Gundog 1991
40 Group placings
15 Best In Group
5 Best In Shows
(at International Championship Shows)

Vincent's best working results:

2nd prize Markprøve B open class in Denmark
Dutch A- certificate

Vincent's health results:

B1-B2 Hips (Dutch old scoring system)
Eyes clear tested yearly from 1 till 10 years of age

Vincent's litters:

1989 Ozmillion's E-litter, dam Bianca, breeder Søren Sørensen, Denmark
1990 Caballus C- litter, dam Darelyn Tamara, breeder Tiina Illukka, Finland
1990 Cardamon D-litter, dam Cardamon Nougat, breeder Asta Turja, Finland
1993 Moselund's, dam Moselund's Dronning Margarethe, breeder Lis Honoré, Denmark
Last Updated on Friday, 13 February 2009 21:53